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Authors: Vijesh, K
Manoj Praveen,G(Guide)
Keywords: Schema Based Instruction
Solving Story Problems
Higher Secondary School Students.
Story Problems in Physics
Problem-Solving Ability
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Farook Training College
Series/Report no.: ;T13
Abstract: The best means to learn a concept in Science particularly in Physics is by presenting that concept as the part of a problematic situation. Problems can act as a tool to activate meaningful learning in Physics. It enables students to analyze the context of problem and interpret underlying concepts meaningfully. Emerging views in Psychology of problem solving points out that effective problem solving requires a conceptual model (problem schema) of the problem in the memory of the solver. Schema-theory of problem solving points out that the problem-solving ability depends on construction and development of schema of problems. As a strategy for teaching problem solving in Physics, traditional methods (eg: Direct Translation Strategy) are not enough to foster the construction of robust problem schema. So, it is important to develop a problem solving learning environment that emphasizes schema construction in students. The present study entitled “Effect of Schema Based Instruction on Solving Story Problems in Physics among Higher Secondary School Students” mainly attempts to find the effect of Schema Based Instruction (SBI) on Problem Solving Ability and Conceptual Understanding of Story Problems in Physics among Higher Secondary School Students. Dependent variables: Problem Solving Ability and conceptual understanding of story problems in Physics Independent variable: Instructional Strategy (Schema Based Instruction with homework/Schema Based Instruction without Home Work/Direct Translation Strategy of Teaching problem solving) Controlled variables: - Non-Verbal Intelligence (NVI) and Logical Mathematical Intelligence (LMI). Definition of Key Terms: Story Problems: “A story problem is a shorthand representation of a real world situation. Sometimes the stories are elaborate which can run from a paragraph to several pages. More often the stories are brief only one or two sentences in length, and students are expected to use their own prior knowledge of the world to fill in gaps about the situation depicted in the story” (Marshall, 1995 p. 69). In the present study Story problem means a well-structured Physics problem that is presented as a short hand representation of real-world situation; which have a set of variables embedded with in a shallow story context Schema Based Instruction (SBI): Schema based instruction is a method of teaching problem solving that emphasizes on both the semantic and mathematical structure of the problem. (Marshall, 2012) Solving Story Problems In the present study solving story problem means, comprehending the problem conceptually (denoted by the term conceptual understanding) as well as solving it mathematically (denoted by the term Problem Solving Ability) Problem Solving Ability: - Problem Solving Ability is any goal directed sequence of cognitive operations (Anderson, 1980). It is the cognitive capability of the problem solver to perform physical or mental operations based upon his/her knowledge so as to achieve the goal of solving a problem (Praveen,2014) . In the present study problem solving ability implies the cognitive capability to solve story problems in physics. Conceptual Understanding: - Conceptual Understanding is implicit or explicit understanding of the principles that govern a domain and of the interrelations between units of knowledge in a domain (Rittle-johnson, Seigler and Alibali,2001). In the present study Conceptual understanding of story problem in Physics means the capacity of students to understand interconnection between the information in a problem situation or event or pattern. Main objective: To find out the effect of schema based instruction on solving story problems in Physics among higher secondary school students. Specific objectives: 1. To find out the effect of instructional strategy (Schema Based Instruction with Home Work/ Schema Based Instruction Without Home Work/ Direct Translation Strategy of Teaching problem solving) with Non Verbal Intelligence and Logical Mathematical Intelligence as covariates on Problem Solving Ability in physics among higher secondary school students. 2 2. To find out the effect of instructional strategy (Schema Based Instruction with Home Work/Schema Based Instruction without Home Work/Direct Translation Strategy of Teaching problem solving) with Non-Verbal Intelligence and Logical Mathematical Intelligence as covariates on Conceptual Understanding of Story Problems in Physics among higher secondary school students. 3. To study the interaction effect of Instructional Strategy (Schema Based Instruction with Home Work/Schema Based Instruction without Home Work/Direct Translation Strategy of Teaching problem solving) and Logical Mathematical Intelligence on Problem Solving Ability in Physics for total sample. 4. To study the interaction effect of instructional strategy (Schema Based Instruction with Home Work/Schema Based Instruction without Home Work/Direct Translation Strategy of Teaching problem solving) and Logical Mathematical Intelligence on Conceptual Understanding of Story Problems in Physics for total sample. 5. To find out the relation between Comprehension of Problem Schema and Problem-Solving Ability in Physics of higher secondary school students taught through Schema Based Instruction Methodology Design: quasi-experimental pretest- posttest nonequivalent group design Sample: Three intact class divisions of 166 students (60 in experimental group-1, 52 in experimental group-2 and 54 in control group respectively) of grade eleven doing science course from two Schools in Kerala. Instruments used for the study: ▪ Standard Progressive Matrices (Raven, Court and Raven,1996 ) ▪ Logical Mathematical Intelligence test ( Investigator along with his supervising teacher) ▪ Test for assessing Problem solving Ability in Physics (Investigator along with his supervising teacher) ▪ Test for assessing Conceptual Understanding of Story Problems in Physics (Investigator along with his supervising teacher) ▪ Test for assessing Comprehension of Problem Schema (Investigator along with his supervising teacher) Statistical techniques used for the analysis of data ▪ Basic descriptive statistics ▪ Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) ▪ Analysis of variance (ANOVA) ▪ Correlation test Major Findings 1. There is a significant effect of instructional strategy on Problem Solving Ability in Physics for higher secondary school students. ▪ Both Schema Based Instruction with Homework and Schema Based Instruction without Homework significantly increase the gain in Problem Solving Ability in Physics compared to Direct Translation Strategy of teaching problem solving usually practiced in schools. ▪ Schema Based Instruction with Homework is significantly better than the Schema Based Instruction without Homework, for increasing Problem Solving Ability in Physics. 2. There is a significant effect of Instructional Strategy on Conceptual Understanding of Story Problems in Physics for higher secondary school students. ▪ Both Schema Based Instruction with homework and Schema Based Instruction without homework significantly increase the Conceptual Understanding of Story Problems in Physics compared to the Direct Translation Strategy of Teaching problem solving. ▪ Schema Based Instruction with Homework is not significantly better than the Schema Based Instruction without Homework for increasing Conceptual Understanding of Story Problems. 3. There is no significant interaction effect of Instructional strategy and Logical Mathematical Intelligence on gain in Problem Solving Ability for the Higher Secondary School Students. 4. There is a significant interaction effect of Instructional Strategy and Logical Mathematical Intelligence on gain in Conceptual Understanding of Story Problems in Physics for Higher Secondary School Students. 5. There is a positive correlation between Comprehension of Problem Schema and Problem-Solving Ability in Physics for higher secondary school students. Implications ▪ On the basis of Schema Based Instruction a training module can be constructed and administered to train higher secondary school teachers. ▪ As Schema Based Instruction helps to increase Problem Solving Ability and Conceptual Understanding of Problems among the learners, an interactive learning environment can be developed with the help of computer by incorporating logical phases of Schema Based Instruction. ▪ Schema Based Instruction enhances conceptual understanding. And a deep conceptual understanding ensures transfer of Problem-Solving Ability.
Appears in Collections:PhD Theses

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