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Authors: Ranjithlaol, P.K
Hassan Koya, M.P(Guide)
Keywords: Effectiveness
Instructional Strategy
Individualized Support Plan
Intellectually Challenged Students
Achievement in Social Science
Instructional Strategy based on Individualized Support Plan
Experimental method
Survey method
Lesson Transcripts
Individualized Support Plan
Analysis of Covariance
Cohen’s d
Effect Size (Cohen’s d)
Descriptive statistics
. One-tailed test of significance of difference between two means for large dependent groups
Test of significance of mean difference for large independent samples
Student Profile
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Farook Training College
Abstract: Realizing the goal of successful education of children with special educational needs is not the task of the Ministries of Education and schools alone. It requires the co-operation of families, and the mobilization of the community and voluntary organizations as well as the support of the public-at-large. Experience from countries or areas that have witnessed progress in equalizing educational opportunities for children and youth with special educational needs suggests several useful lessons- UNESCO (1994). This message reiterates that education alone can be the salvation for poverty and upliftment of the socially discriminated. People including all walks of life send their wards to school. Due to lack of knowledge, different attitude, educational access and technology, children with disability were treated as unwanted and separated from ones children. Definitions of Key Terms Effectiveness Effectiveness is the capability of producing a desired result or the ability to produce desired output. When something is deemed effective, it means it has an intended or expected outcome, or produces a deep, vivid impression. In this study, effectiveness means the significant difference in achievement in social science through Individualized Support Plan and the prevailing system of Activity Oriented Method and is measured in term of difference between pre-test and post-test scores of experimental and control groups. Instructional Strategy Instructional strategy is the technique or method that a teacher can adopt to meet the various learning objectives. The strategy help students to walk on the path of independent learning and become strategic learners. Individualized Support Plan (ISP) ISP is an instructional strategy which provides ample opportunities for students to enhance their educational achievement in an inclusive environment. In the present study ISP is an instructional strategy where different types of supports are given which enhances the achievement of mentally challenged students in social science. Achievement In this research achievement referred to the outcome of the learning specific units measured by the marks scored by learners in the test in the subject of Social science given to them immediately at the end of teaching units. Intellectually Challenged Students Intellectually challenged or intellectual disability is condition where people have significant difficulties in learning and understanding because of incomplete development of intelligence. In the present study Intellectually Challenged Students means educable (mild and moderate) Intellectually Challenged Students studying in secondary School level (Std IX) of Kerala State. 2 Variables for the Study The dependent and independent variables selected for the present study are the following. Dependent Variable The dependent variable in the present study is  Achievement in Social Science Independent Variable The independent variables for the present study are  Instructional Strategy based on Individualized Support Plan and  Existing Method of teaching Objectives of the Study The major objectives of the study are to develop an instructional strategy based on Individualized Support Plan (ISP) and to test its effectiveness on the Achievement in Social Science among Intellectually Challenged Secondary School Students. To achieve the major objectives of the study investigator framed a set of specific objectives for the study which are following. 1. To find the perception of teachers on problems, challenges and present situation of Intellectually Challenged Secondary School Students. 2. To compare the mean pre-test score in achievement in social science of experimental and control group of Intellectually Challenged Secondary School Students. 3. To compare the mean pre-test score of experimental and control group of Intellectually Challenged Secondary School Students with regards to objectives of achievement in social science namely Remembering, Understanding, Applying and Analyzing. 4. To compare the mean pos-test score in achievement in social science of experimental and control group of Intellectually Challenged Secondary School Students. 5. To compare the mean post-test score of experimental and control group of Intellectually Challenged Secondary School Students with regards to objectives of achievement in social science namely Remembering, Understanding, Applying and Analyzing. 6. To compare the mean pre-test and post-test scores in achievement in social science of experimental group of Intellectually Challenged Secondary School Students. 7. To compare the mean pre-test and post-test scores of experimental group of Intellectually Challenged Secondary School Students with regards to objectives of achievement in social science namely Remembering, Understanding, Applying and Analyzing. 8. To compare the mean pre-test and post-test scores in achievement in social science of control group of Intellectually Challenged Secondary School Students. 9. To compare the mean pre-test and post-test scores of control group of Intellectually Challenged Secondary School Students with regards to objectives of achievement in social science namely Remembering, Understanding, Applying and Analyzing. 3 10. To compare the mean gain score in achievement in social science of experimental and control group of Intellectually Challenged Secondary School Students. 11. To compare the mean gain score of experimental and control group of Intellectually Challenged Secondary School Students with regards to objectives of achievement in social science namely Remembering, Understanding, Applying and Analyzing. 12. To compare the mean gain score in achievement in social science of experimental and control group of Intellectually Challenged Secondary School Students when pre test score is taken as co-variate. 13. To compare the mean gain score of experimental and control group of Intellectually Challenged Secondary School Students with regards to objectives of achievement in social science namely Remembering, Understanding, Applying and Analyzing when pre test score is taken as co-variate. 14. To find out the effect size of the developed Instructional strategy based on Individualized Support Plan on achievement in social science and with regards to objectives of achievement in social science namely Remembering, Understanding, Applying and Analyzing among Intellectually Challenged Secondary School Students. Methodology in Brief Method Used The present study has been conducted by employing both survey and experimental methods Design of the Study The Pre-test- Post-test Non-equivalent group design was adopted for the study. The design of the study is illustrated as follows. O1 Pre-test O3 O2 Post-test O4 O2 - O1 Gain score O4 - O3 X - Exposure of a group to experimental (treatment) C - Exposure of a group to control condition O - Observation/test administered O1 × O2 ---------------------- O3 C O4 4 Sample Selected for the Study The sample of the study consists of 64 intellectually challenged secondary school students and 154 secondary school teachers. 30 intellectually challenged students comprise Experimental group and 34 intellectually challenged students comprise Control Group. The sample for both Experimental and Control Group were selected from 20 secondary schools of Kozhikode district. Tools used for the Study The following tools were used for the present study 1. Lesson transcript based on Individualized Support Plan (Ranjithlal & Koya, H.M.P, 2018) 2. Achievement test in social science (Ranjithlal & Koya, H.M.P, 2018) 3. Questionnaire for teachers (Ranjithlal & Koya, H.M.P, 2018) 4. Student Profile (Ranjithlal & Koya, H.M.P, 2018) Statistical Techniques Used 1. Descriptive statistics 2. Test of significance of mean difference for large independent samples 3. One-tailed test of significance of difference between two means for large dependent groups 4. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) 5. Effect Size (Cohen’s d) Major Findings of the Study Following are the major findings of the study. 1. The pretest mean scores on Achievement in social science of experimental and control group do not differ significantly (t = 1.67, p > .05). 2. The posttest mean scores on Achievement in social science of experimental and control group differ significantly, mean scores is significantly higher for the experimental group than the control group (t=17.51, p<.01). 3. The mean posttest score on achievement in social science is significantly higher than the pretest score in the experimental group (t = 31.12, p < .01) 4. The mean gain score on achievement in social science is significantly higher for the experimental group than the control group (t = 17.75, p < .01). 5. The experimental manipulation using “Instructional Strategy based on Individualized Support Plan” has significant effect on the gain scores on achievement in social science of the intellectually challenged secondary school students when initial level of achievement was controlled (F = 321.37, p< .01, df(1,63)). 6. Effect size of the ‘Instructional Strategy based on Individualized Support Plan on mean post test score on achievement in social science is very large for the experimental group (d = 5.68, r = .943). 7. Effect size of the ‘Instructional Strategy based on Individualized Support Plan’ on mean gain score on achievement in social science is very large (d = 4.27, r = .907). 5 Educational Implications The results of the present study is promising and has bearing upon various dimensions of education. Following educational implications can be drawn with the present study. Policy level The Individualized Support Plan can be introduced as policy at Secondary School level. As ISP is found to be effective on enhancing Achievement, it may be integrated as policy at Secondary School level. Methodology Lesson transcripts of teachers may be modified to integrate Individualized Support Plan. Methodology may be individualized and actively oriented. Measures can be taken to utilize the service of resource teachers in the teaching learning process. Curriculum The curriculum may be tailored integrating Individualized Support Plan for Intellectually Challenged students. Other Implications  Teachers or faculty may be trained on ISP so as to improve the quality of teaching.  Collaborative ventures between DIET, SCERT, NCERT may be launched for the effective implementation ISP.  Programmes on ISP may be implemented effectively with community participation.
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