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Authors: Shamina, E
Mumthas, N S (Guide)
Keywords: Classroom management
Classroom Management Observation Schedule
Self-rated Classroom Management Competency Scale
Pupil-rated Classroom Management Competency Scale
Conduct Management
Covenant Management
Performance in Classroom Management,
Self-rated Competency in Classroom Management,
Pupil-rated Competency in Classroom Management
Classroom Management Competency Enhancement Programme
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Farook Training College
Series/Report no.: ;T04
Abstract: Background of the study Learning how to manage a classroom effectively is a difficult task for preservice teachers.This is compounded by the lack of attention that classroom management receives in teacher preparation programmes. Beginning teachers report that weak classroom management skills and disruptive behaviour are the most significant barriers to being a good teacher, and they blame their teacher preparation programmes for failing to adequately prepare them for classroom management. Preservice teachers believe it would be more helpful if teacher preparation programmes provided more real-life experience on how to resolve classroom management issues. Classroom Management Competency Classroom management has been defined as any action a teacher takes to create an environment that supports and facilitates both academic and social emotional learning. Classroom Management Competency is operationally defined as the knowledge and skills that enable prospective teachers to succeed in managing instruction (Content Management Competency), maintaining discipline (Conduct Management Competency) and establishing interpersonal relationship (Covenant Management Competency) in the classroom. Classroom Management Competency Enhancement Programme is a programme aimed at enhancing the competencies of prospective teachers in the three dimensions of Classroom Management Competency Viz., Content Management Competency, Conduct Management Competency and Covenant Management Competency. Objective • To develop a Classroom Management Competency Enhancement Programme for prospective teachers at secondary level and to test its effectiveness in enhancing their Classroom Management Competency and its dimensions viz., a) EFFECTIVENESS OF A CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT b) COMPETENCY ENHANCEMENT PROGRAMME FOR c) PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS AT SECONDARY LEVEL d) Conduct Management Competency e) Covenant Management Competency Variables of the study Independent variable- Classroom Management Competency Enhancement Programme Dependent variable- Classroom Management Competency (in terms of Knowledge in Classroom Management, Performance in Classroom Management, Self-rated Competency in Classroom Management, and Pupil-rated Competency in Classroom Management). Methodology The study follows a multi-methodology approach proceeded in three phases Phase-1. Development of Classroom Management Competency Enhancement Programme(CMCEP) Phase-2. Validating the Classroom Management Competency Enhancement Programme Phase3- Cross validation of CMCEP against two-year B.Ed. programme Sample The study collected data from multiple sources including teacher educators(n=15), mentors in schools(n=20), one-year B.Ed. students (n=150), experimental(n=40), control(n=40), pupils(n=250), two-year B.Ed. Students(n=300). Tools 1. Test of Knowledge in Classroom Management 2. Classroom Management Observation Schedule 3. Self-rated Classroom Management Competency Scale 4. Pupil-rated Classroom Management Competency Scale Statistical techniques used: percentage analysis, test of significance of difference between means, estimation of effect size (Cohen’s d), Pearson’s r Findings and conclusions • Classroom management aspects in the prescribed one-year B.Ed. curriculum were few. • Prospective teachers require training in classroom management especially in maintaining discipline, dealing with disruptive behaviour, managing the time and technology and group activities. • Newly implemented two-year B.Ed. curriculum lacks theoretical contents of the three dimensions of classroom management. The practical aspects are strengthened. • The CMCEP is effective in enhancing prospective teachers’ Knowledge in Classroom Management, Performance in Classroom Management, Self-rated Competency in Classroom Management and Pupil-rated Competency in Classroom Management. • Student-teachers who were exposed to CMCEP performed better as observed by teacher educators, mentors and pupil. • It will be better if CMCEP is incorporated into two-year B.Ed. programme. Educational implications 1. Strengthen the classroom management content in teacher education curricula 2. Incorporate various strategies like roleplay, case analysis, video, discussion, brainstorming to classroom management training 3. Teacher education should address the challenges faced by student teachers in creating positive classroom environment 4. Provide training in behavioural intervention strategies like behavioural contracting technique, antecedent based instruction, self-management intervention 5. Incorporate relationship building strategies into classroom management training 6. Provide sustained instruction and guided practice with feedback 7. Teacher education programme should identify a detailed core of classroom management 8. Pay more attention to the complexities of classroom management and provide opportunities to link theory with practice
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/68
Appears in Collections:PhD Theses

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